Foundry Industrial Strength JavaScript

Foundry Tutorials

Learn about Foundry. From the basics to advanced usage, this should be your first stop when creating applications in Foundry.

Getting Started
New to Foundry? Start here to get an overview of how Foundry works, and how to build your first Module.
Introduction To Modules
Get acquainted with how modules work by creating a simple module.
Events In Foundry
Modules communicate to one another using Application and Notification Events.
Dependency Injection With Foundry
Learn how to leverage Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control in Foundry to keep your code decoupled and testable
Rendering Client Side Templates
Turn client side templates into HTML using Mustache templates and a View Resolver allowing your application to render data agnostic of the template language underneath.
Unit Testing Foundry Applications
Unit Test a Foundry application, using Jasmine as an example.
Lazy Loading Modules
Increase the performance of your web application by loading modules as they appear in the browser viewport.
Responsive Modules Using CSS3 Media Queries
Create modules conditionally using CSS3 Media Queries. Finally, we have Responsive JavaScript to go with our Responsive Design!
Integrating Pollyfills With Foundry
Support older browsers by including pollyfills for missing functionality.
Creating New Modules On The Fly
Not every module will exist at page load. Learn how to dynamically create new modules and insert them into the page.